The Organization
Founded in 1990, Umed Pariwar is a Pune based organization that works for the specialized needs and betterment of PwIDD (Persons with Intellectual Development Disability). The organization is an association formed by a group of parents who have an IDD child in their family.
To sensitize the society to meet the special needs of the differently-abled. To help parents emotionally and psychologically to face the situation boldly and enable the IDD persons to be a contributory and functionally accepted human being within the society.
- To provide world class infrastructural facilities for total care of IDD and Cerebral Palsy (CP) afflicted persons. This includes prevention, early intervention, training, education, retraining and total rehabilitation.
- To carry out ongoing training and re-training of special children so that they can contribute as best as they can and become an acceptable part of the society.
- Rehabilitation of IDD and Cerebral Palsy Persons.
- Run day care centres for children who cannot attend school.
- Arrange residential camps.
- Arrange vacation camps and residential camps.
- Keep up-to-date knowledge of institutions working in this field at state and national level and get acquainted with the working of such organizations on global level to have mutual exchange of thought, plans, programs, views and experiences.
- Arrange regular meetings, seminars, various programs to boost the morale of the parents.
- Organize these activities on state level, encourage people to form organizations of parents at district level and guide them.
- Create favourable atmosphere for this activity at state and zonal levels by organizing educational and training programs, discussions, competitions etc.
- Conduct research programs useful for people working in this field, publish relevant literature and periodicals to propagate this activity.